Publication & Awards
Technical Reports:
Gillespie, T., Morrow, T., Heffron, E., Meyer, J., Ruiz, R., Zahani, R., Leeger, R., & DeWees, B. (2024). Expedition Report: EX2303, Seascape Alaska 2: Aleutians Deepwater Mapping (Mapping).
Candio, S., Gillespie, T., Best, M., Conrad, J., Bittinger, A., Schmidt, C., Shantharam, A., Ashe, E., Maxon, A., & Hebner, M. (2024). Expedition Report: EX2306, Seascape Alaska 5: Gulf of Alaska Remotely Operated Vehicle Exploration and Mapping.
Morrow, T., Weinnig, A., Koenig, P., Freitas, D., Gillespie, T., Clifton, J., Ruby, C., & Marranzino, A. (2023). Expedition Report: EX2301, 2023 Shakedown+ EXPRESS West Coast Exploration.
Gillespie, T. (2023). Mapping Data Acquisition and Processing Summary Report: NF-21-06, Exploration Mapping-Blake Plateau. DOI :
Candio, S., Morrow, T., Hoy, S., Wilkins, C., Freitas, D., & Gillespie, T. (2023). NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Mapping Systems Readiness Report 2023. DOI :
Sowers, D., Candio, S., Wilkins, C., & Gillespie, T. (2022). Mapping Data Acquisition and Processing Summary Report, EX-21-07: Windows to the Deep 2021: Southeast US (ROV and Mapping). DOI :
Morrow, T., Candio, S., Warren, D., Gillespie, T., Hoy, S., Jerram, K., Bayer, K., Medley, D., & Arndt, H. (2022). Mapping Data Acquisition and Processing Summary Report: EX-22-02, Caribbean Mapping (Mapping). DOI :
Hoy, S., Peliks, M., Freitas, D., Gillespie, T., Wilkins, C., Hoel, P., Ferrante, C., Wu, L., Ruby, C., & Egan, K. (2022). Mapping Data Acquisition and Processing Summary Report: EX-22-03, Puerto Rico Mapping and Deep-Sea Camera Demonstration (Mapping and Tech Demonstration). DOI :
Candio, S., Gillespie, T., Wilkins, C., Morrow, T., & Cantwell, K. (2022). Mapping Data Acquisition and Processing Summary Report: EX-22-06, Voyage to the Ridge 3 (ROV and Mapping). DOI :
Candio, S., Bittinger, A., Wilkins, C., Gillespie, T., & Marr, R. (2022). Mapping Data Acquisition and Processing Summary Report: EX-21-05, 2021 US Blake Plateau Mapping 1 (Mapping). DOI :
Hoy, S., Sowers, D., Wilkins, C., Jerram, K., Beechler, N., Copeland, A., & Gillespie, T. (2019). Mapping Data Acquisition Summary Report: CRUISE EX-19-02: ROV and mapping shakedown. DOI :
Morrow, T. A., Cuellar, S., Letts, A., Cantwell, K. L., Hoy, S., Albano, P., Candio, S., Baechler, N., Wilkins, C., Weinnig, A., Koenig, P., Macelloni, L., D’Emidio, M., de Assis, A., Ruby, C., Marransino, A., Gillespie, T. A., Peliks, M., Coulson, A., Clifton, J., & Duncan, E. (2024). NOAA Ocean Exploration Contributions to the Expanding Pacific Research and Exploration of Submerged Systems (EXPRESS) Campaign. 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Gillespie, T. A., Sautter, L., Humphreys, R. R., Maurizio, L., & Hunter-Doniger, T. (2024). Generation of Multibeam Acoustic Data Processing Training Modules for Undergraduate Students Using QPS Qimera. 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Morrow, T. A., Hoy, S., Cuellar, S., Wilkins, C., Weinnig, A., Koenig, P., Macelloni, L., de Assis, A. R., Ruby, C., Marranzino, A., Gillespie, T. A., Coulson, A., Freitas, D., & Clifton, J.(2023). NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and 2023 Contributions to Expanding Pacific Research and Exploration of Submerged Systems. AGU23.
Morrow, T. A., Sowers, D., Candio, S., Cantwell, K. L., Hoy, S. K., Galvez, K. C., Wilkins, C., Glickson, D., Xavier, J., France, S. C., Flinders, A. F., Cromwell, M., Shantharam, A., Peliks, M., Gillespie, T. A., & Freitas, D. (2022). Voyage to the Ridge: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and 2022 Contributions to the Atlantic Seafloor Partnership for Integrated Research and Exploration. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Gillespie, T. & Sautter, L. (2018) Bathymetric Processing and Live-Stream ROV integration for Public Outreach; American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, DC.
Awarded 2018 American Geophysical Union Outstanding Student Presentation Award
Gillespie, T. & Sautter, L. (2017) Bathymetric and Geomorphological Analysis of Inishmore Island, Ireland; Ocean Sciences Meeting 2017, Portland, Oregon.
Gillespie, T. & Sautter, L. (2017) Bathymetric and Geomorphological Analysis of Inishmore Island, Ireland; US Hydrographic conference 2017, Galveston Texas.
2019 Project Oceanica Marine Education Award
2018 American Geophysical Union Outstanding Student Presentation Award